Our Customer Care Service Center as a focal point for your customers.
The rapid and competent processing of issues and problems is the key to customer satisfaction and thus it becomes the measuring stick for a company’s competitiveness.
Making a good impression on customers is more important than ever in today’s world. Before it was mostly word-of-mouth reviews that shaped the image of a company, today praise and criticism spread additionally around social media and reach significantly more people. A functioning customer service will affect your company’s image positively and we will gladly help you to implement this.
Our Customer Service – A simple and efficient solution:
The CCS Call Center offers competent and friendly staff combined with the latest communications technology in exactly the required volume. Our service includes a personal telephone customer reception on behalf of your company, A customisable selection of questions, complaints and incidents, the further processing and routing of customer inquiries, logging of all customer contacts and many other services specially tailored to your business.

Our customer service features:
- Professionally executed Customer Care
- Disburdening of the members of your organisation
- Cost effectiveness
- Cost transparency
- Transparent customer management through ongoing reporting