Emergency help, advice and claims, anytime and anywhere.

Assistance is a French word and simply means help. Help when you need it most.

In every situation there may be unexpected, major or minor problems. Whether it comes to proper medical treatment abroad, the company car breaks on the business trip, or if one comes home in the middle of the night and notices that their house was broken into: it is always good to know that you can call someone who knows and takes on one’s problems. The basic idea of Emergency Assistance Services is simple: you need help, you call the Assistance Operations Centre, and we takes care of the rest.

The best service for customers and employees.

Assistance is used in the insurance industry as a customer service to policyholders that goes beyond the financial aspects, in problem situations with emergency support. Many companies offer their customers our service, such as a travel companies that include travel assistance in their offers. Some others, for example, want to make problem solving services available for their employees on business trips, and rely on our Assistance Service for it.